Friday, October 17, 2008

Helping Hands (A.K.A. Sticky Fingers!)

We have officially began packing for our move. With Ryon leaving for 10 days we wanted to get a lot done while he was here so he could help me as much as possible. Yesterday was a day of packing and laundry for me, my goal was to have a lot done while Ry was at work. Kayla had been "helping" on and off throughout the day and in one of her off moments I went to change the laundry, came back inside was folding the laundry when I heard Ry's truck pull up. In a moment of sheer joy I ran down the stairs to meet Ry at the door only to be greeted with a fabulous surprise at the bottom of the stairs. My sweet Little Angel Girl had decided to go GOTHIC/TATTOO ARTIST in those short few seconds she was alone. Oh what a sight to see! She was so proud of her new found "look" and kept giving me the kissy face and dancing around as though she had just spent the day at the spa getting a facial! And I must say even in that moment she was still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!!!

After Kayla's briefing about not giving ourselves, our clothes, our animals, our walls or our couches tattoos it only took 3 minutes for her to decide that she no longer liked her new tattoos. Since she used a permanent marker (which means PERMANENT) and couldn't get any of it off except her lips, she wasn't happy. Lucky for me I have a stash of fun long sleeved Halloween clothes which she liked! And since we weren't keeping her busy enough we assigned her the task of being Miss Tape Girl! Whenever we needed the tape we would tell her and she would come running with the tape! She was our packing Super Girl!

Kayla got the hang of the words "I need the tape" and before long she was yelling to me "Mommy, hurry!! I need the tape!!" I came downstairs and Kayla had a box all ready to be taped and she was laughing hysterically!! Through all her giggles she managed to tell me again "Mommy, hurry, hurry!! I need the tape!"  My sneaking suspicion got to me and I opened the box to find...Diva! 

After I didn't tape Diva into the box Kayla was so sad and said "But Mommy, I need Diva to come live at my new house!"  I love that girl!!


Chelsi said... is officially kayla is Beautiful!!! I swear she gets prettier the more I see her. Even with black lips she a beauty queen. I can't wait to come out and see your house, you are going to have so much fun get settled in. Yeah!!! We LOVE new houses, huh Danie girl!?!?!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kayla has such an imagination, I love it!! What a cutie bug. Moving sucks but Kayla makes it fun, can she come help me next please?

ahollandetc said...

YAY...i am SO glad you have joined the blogging world! Welcome, Welcome. Kayla is SO dang cute. After all the blah part of moving is done you and her are going to have so much fun beautifying your new pad!

Thanks so much for the invite to your space! We look forward to Bingham updates...Happy Blogging!


Sandy said...

She is seriously the cutest little girl! I love that she even "painted" her finger nails. I'm jealous of the beach pictures are lucky to live so close to it!

Keelee said...

Hey! Yay welcome to the Blogging world. She is so beautiful Danie, holy crap!! Moving is alot of work, Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog!! Oh my gosh Kayla just keeps getting more beautiful! I am so happy to see your little family and I am so happy for your up coming move.. hurray!!!
oh ya and if you are going private can I be invited?? my email is

Lindsey Jefferies said...

Hey Danie-what a cute post about Miss K! She is so dang cute. Moving is seriously my most hated thing so if there is anything at all we can do to help you guys, please don't hesitate to ask.